
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

SLJ:Fishing false Teeth

 Hello readers,

Today we had another SLJ Task where we had to watch a video and think about what the characters would say without them saying anything.We basically we had to take our own words that would fit the Fishing friends and put it into a comic.The comic was about A Dude and his teeth fell out and it went into the water but then his mate started making fun of him.But then his mate Lets call him Bob Catched a huge fish and got his teeth out and put into the fish's mouth (these men are very old by the ways) Bob then showed his friend that lost his teeth but his friend ummm.... Pulled the teeth out of the fish's mouth and out it into his mouth he thought it was his Teeth but it wasent.

I really hope you enjoyed this and i would love some feedback Bye!!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Summer learning journey:Coloring Task

 Hello readers,

Today we started our first summer learning journey task. We had to pick a image from a colouring book site and colour it. We could colour it any way we want I picked a nice waved image with a ship in it once we were done colouring the image we could put it on a google drawing template and publish it on our blogs. I really hope you guys like it and I would love some feedback!! 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Koala Create tasks!!

 Hey guys,

This is 2 of my Koala create tasks from this week we had to choose between 4 create task I picked a Quiz and a Word Search. 1 of the create tasks is about making your own Quiz about Koalas I put it into a google Form. The 2nd create task is about a Word search where you have to find all the words .I would really love lots of feedback and what i could do next time. :D

WALT: to make connections to self, other texts and the world

Tell me how many questions you got wrong and right for the quiz!!

Friday, November 6, 2020

My writing for this week!! :D

 Hello readers,

This weeks writing we had a choice between doing a pobble writing which is describing a picture or you could do free writing I choosed free writing I wrote about My friend and me looking for play props but we somehow get stuck in this forest place and we meet a red fox there. I wont give away too much of the story because its for you to find out. I would really like some feedback and what i could do next time.

This weeks reading !!

 Hey guys,
This is 2 of my Wolves create tasks from this week we had to make a quiz and do a Venn diagram. 1 of the create tasks is about making your own Quiz about wolves I put it into a google slideshow. The 2nd create task is about a Venn diagram where you compare to animals together .I would really love lots of feedback and what i could do next time. :D

Tell me how many questions you got wrong and right for the quiz!!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Frog Reading

 Hey guys,

This is 2 of my frog create tasks from this week we could pick between many different animals but i picked frogs because i did not know much about frogs. 1 of the create tasks is about making your own enclosure for frogs if they have no where to go the 2nd create task is about the 3 most important things  about a frog.I would really love lots of feedback and what i could do next time. :D

Monday, October 12, 2020

Learning about the Media

 Hey guys,

This is about knowing what media means so i have put some things that all add up to the media theres Podcast, Books, Video games, Billboard, Newspaper and the Radio theres still so much more things that add up to the media but you can discover those things yourself i have made this during Cybersmart

WALT:We are learning different things about media

Friday, September 25, 2020

A whole Week of writing!!

 Hello Readers,

This is my Writing from this week you had to make  a whole bunch of Create tasks in to one platform you had to get 12 or more points to be done i got 16 points on the Site all we had to do is pick some Create tasks we liked and put them on 1 Slideshow and the when we were done we had to put it on our blog i would love some feedback and what i could do next time and this is just like my A whole week of Reading but its a whole week of Writing :D

Friday, September 18, 2020

A whole Week of reading!

Hello Everyone, This week for reading was very different we had to Try and Finish 10 Create tasks in 1 week i ended up finishing about 6 of the Create tasks the ones i finished was:

 1.Feelings in Maori 
2.Facts about the Ruru bird 
3.Teaching toroa how to count to 10 in maori 
4.Maori names for things you can find in the classroom 
5.Places in New Zealand 
6.A Word search 

 So i hope you will like all of the Create tasks i have done and i would love some feedback just scroll down to find all the Create tasks :D

Friday, September 11, 2020

My own Science Experiment

Hey guys,

This past week i have been making my own experiment we had to get with a buddy and make our own experiment we used smarties MMs and milk on a paper plate on one paper plate we had the smarties on the other plate we had the MMs and we were watching what plate had the most effect.The plate that took over with the most effect was the MMs the took over and looked the coolest 

Thursday, August 20, 2020

A piece of Paradise :D

Hello readers,

Today i finished my Create task we had to describe and make the setting and what the story was and put the moral of the story. I do hope you will like this.This is about a Sun and a rain moon creature fighting against each other to see her can make the better crops with just water and just sun light so they go head to head battling to see who will win.This is also a animation but you have to hold down the arrow that is pointing to the right but the thing is sometimes when you hold it down it goes to a black screen all you have to do is go back a bit and then go forward again sorry about that :(  i hope you like this and i would love some feed back see ya soon :D

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Paper Helicopter experiment

Hey Readers,

This is my Helicopter experiment i have done it took me about 2 weeks to make. This is about me dropping my paper helicopter and recording the time it took each time i added on a paper clip each time i dropped my Paper helicopter its also about the things you will need to create a helicopter and what you need to drop your paper helicopter it also has a video of me dropping the paper helicopter and a graph and observations and the variables and Hypothsis so i would really love some feedback.    

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Describing the setting

Hello readers,

This is my describing setting i have done threw out the week we had to pick a picture that we really liked and that we could describe and put on our blog we had to write down what we saw on a piece of paper and then write it into a story with descriptive words and then of course put it on to our chrome book.And blog it witch is what im doing right now i would love some feedback on what i could maybe do next time and what i could change and of course what you liked.

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Comic strip Book: Whats the matter?

Hello readers,

Today i made my reading task we had to pick a book i choosed the book whats the matter witch is about this boy seeing this flyer saying a magic box you can only say 3 things and it will appear if you say cancel it will go away and wont come back so he went to school and when he came back there was this box that was in his room he read this note saying test box so he sayed 1 word ice cream and it came then he said random words and then that came when he said oh mum and dad i think they are here they came and that when i thought something big... We had to choose  between making an animation or a Comic strip on what you think will happen after you read the story i thought that the parents might go away because he said to the machine oh my mum and dad are coming so when he said cancel his mum and dad was gone..

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Scaredy crow

Hello readers,

Today i finished my Create task we had to pick a page in the story that we could choose from and make an illustrate or a drawing or google drawing on chrome book. I do hope everyone had a good Break/Holiday this is about a crow that is called Scaredy crow and all of his other friends are making fun of him.This is also a animation but you have to hold down the arrow that is pointing to the right but the thing is sometimes when you hold it down it goes black screen sorry about that :(  i hope you like this and i would love some feed back :)

Monday, July 27, 2020

My comment to Karaitiana :D

Hello readers,

This is my comment that i posted on Karaitianas Blog (AKA my best friend*  we got told that we hade to make a comment on someones blog and take a screenshot and put it on on your own blog of what you have done.

:You have to make sure you have a good blog comment before you post also make sure to check and read what you have written down before posting it make sure you have something helpful and thoughtful :D

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Chicken:Reading :D

Hey readers,

This is my reading for this week the start of term 3 its about a girl getting left alone and the boys getting left alone the boys think shes a Chicken/chicken is being afraid but she chases after them and goes into
the dark...

Monday, July 20, 2020

Sort the comments:Partner work

Hey readers,
Today ill be showing you my Sort the comments challenge you had to work with a buddy and and mark what you should put in a blog post and what you should not put in a blog post one of the speech bubbles had black covering the word because My Karaitiana and i covered up someones phone number(not real phone number!!) so i hope you like it and think about what yous should say to someone online on there blog post!!  :)

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Create task number 2

Hey readers,
This is my 2nd reading create task i have made today its basically the beginning the middle and the End of Matariki i would love some feedback on it and what i could maybe do to fix it ore change something next time.

Matariki Reading

Hey readers,
This is my reading from this week i have tried really hard on this week we had to post 3 Create tasks and this is the first its basically using powtoon into an animation of 10 facts


I want to say Thank you to Karaitana (AKA)KK) for helping me when i was a little sad on this i was just stuck and then KK helped me and game me some facts on a piece of paper and i went home and wrote them down thanks to my Mum for helping me find some other facts as well to also write down and gave me some ideas on what to add onto it.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

New Zealand Sea Lions

Hey readers,
This is my reading for this week i switched it up and went for New Zealand Sea lions theme this is basically about the problem how is accrued what you could do to help i would love some feedback as always :)

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Cat information Report

Hey guys,
This is another information report but about Cats it took me about 2 weeks to make because i had to do 2 plans on 2 different sheets of paper so i would love some feedback :)

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Maui's Dolphins

Hey guys,
This is my Create task but instead i have turned it into a slide to switch it up a bit even tho i used to always do slide show this is about Maui,s Dolphins well that is what the book is called

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The mysterious stones of Tonga

Hey guys,
This week i wanted to do the book The mysterious stones of Tonga for my reading. I have gotten maroi words from the book and went a head and wrote the meaning next to it would love some feedback

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Main parts of the story

Hey guys,
This is my last post for the day and this is the main parts in the Samoa story they i have made would love some feedback

Leopard info πŸ†πŸ―

Hey guys,
This is my Information web i have made this week it took me about 10 minutes to do it is all about Leopards and once again i used the arrows because i really like how it looks would love some feedback :)

Polar Bear πŸ˜πŸ˜€

Hey Guys,
This is my Polar bear work it basically has lots of different topic sentences that help you learn about polar bears if you like polar bear and you want to learn more about it i think this would be something you would like to read.Sorry that it is a link


Friday, May 29, 2020

Monkeys and apes facts

Hey guys
This is my Monkeys and apes facts The questions that i had to answer was
:What do you know about monkeys and apes?
:How do they survive in today's world?
:What do they eat?
:How are they surviving?

Information Web🐘

Hey guys
This is my information Web all about elephants Mostly about their Feet ,Ears and trunk there are arrows going around because i thought it looked really cool and my friend Karaitiana actually helped me with the arrow idea i would love some feedback
Bye :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Facts about Elephants🐘

Hey guys This is my elephant project from school that i have been working on!!!!!

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Lockdown 2020 πŸ˜€

Hey guys  Todays task was to write about lockdown and i made a slide show Would love some feedback

Monday, May 11, 2020

Treasure hunt BATTLE!!!! ⚔😠🏜🏝😈😏😑😀

Treasure hunt battle!!!!
The race was on who would get the glorious treasure first.  There was 3 competitors first there was the sea witch Ursula πŸ™πŸŸ who wanted the treasure to build a water machine to destroy the Sea kingdom she had to be stopped.  2nd there was Ravana 😠♛ the dark mischievous girl who wanted the treasure to get back the dark kingdom that was always supposed to be hers.  And lastly there was Blossom Nature 🌲🌳⚘πŸŽ• Girl who loved all things nature inspired she wanted the treasure to save the world.

Ursula who tried to raise the sea to get her to the treasure but Failed.  Meanwhile Ravana was so busy trying to grapple hook her self over there, that she didn't notice Blossom flying threw the trees, Blossom was so quick she got the treasure without anyone noticing she went on to save the world.......THE END

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Task 1 My name πŸ™‚πŸ₯°πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„

Hey guys its me Sapphire and Today i have taken my name and written comments about my self hope you enjoy it


Hey guys today i am celebrating Elises Btrthday!!!

Hope you like the Hat i made

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

My time during lock down πŸ˜ΌπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„

Hey guys i wanted to show you guys what my lock down is like 😺

I learnt to ride my bike: 

Did lots of Baking:

Chalk fun:

We walked to the horses, we feed them apples:

Made huts:

Doing School work:

Putting teddy's in our window each day:

Having fun at Easter:

Thursday, April 30, 2020

How to make a DIY Pen for your ipad and phone πŸ–‰

Hey guys super excited i learnt today how to make a DIY pen for my ipad.
Made it all by my self without help from my Mum and Dad give it ago.

You will need:


-Cotton bud

-Tin foil




You will find the instructions on youtube
                  Link for Video

Have fun im loving the new pen:)

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Favourite Wild Animal

                                                                    Fox :) Rare Sightings of Foxes Near Temple Mount a Fulfillment of ...

My favourite Wild animal is a Fox

What the Fox looks like:

-Has four legs

-Has a Bushy Tail

-Has 2 pointy ears

-The fox kinda looks like a dog

Interesting fact - Foxes has whiskers on their legs and face which help them to navigate

Where the fox lives

-Forested areas


-Grass lands and Deserts

Interesting fact - They make there homes by digging burrows in the ground, where they store food and have their pups

What would you do if a Fox came  to visit

-I would give the fox food and water

-Play with him

-Pat his fur

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Anzac Day Project 🌹

Hey guys this is my Anzac project i have been working on with my Mum, we posted this to our family members on anzac day.  We created a small slideshow on my great grandad Owen Taylor he fought in WWII a very long long long long time ago. 

I worked out the timing of each picture for how long it stays there, and typed the wording.It was a big job going through all the old photos and reading messages between him and my great grandmother it was  a lot of fun to do hope you like it and i would love some feedback.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Dream bedroom task

Hey guys this is my Dream bedroom that is much like my real bedroom in real life i hope you guys like it i would love some feedback πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„

1.There is a white door just by the bed and wardrobe

2.There is a wardrobe i sadly could not fit in the wardrobe but i did right and make a box of where it should have been

3. There is a pink fluffy love heart rug do warm your feet up if you get back home from the amazing school of wigram primary school

4.Right next to the Pink fluffy rug is a white desk with little decor items on the desk

5.To the left portion down from the door there is a bed that is blue and cute right next to it is a small drawer

6.Last but not least there is a long wadrobe to store all your clothes in

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Exercise Routine

Hey everyone this is my at home Exercise routine πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜€

Monday, April 20, 2020

Shopping list from choice board

Hello again i went to my choice board and i did the challenge where you had $100 and you had to go onto a supermarket website and get things that would add up to $100

Friday, April 17, 2020

Photo that inspired me

I liked Mr Williams art drawing of the pizza, my favorite pizza is pepperoni.  I thought I would have a go using the word girl was a lot of fun I also had to stop and play alot.

Writing task-My cat Lulu

Hey guys im posting again and this time i had another daily Facebook task pick a animal and do facts

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Art work during Lock down

I really hope you enjoy and i would love some feedback (Sorry i hade to make it as a link)

The link right here

From my choice board

This is from my choice board i did this during Covid 19 i really hope you enjoy this and i would love some feedback


 Stay safe and stay at home :)

Thursday, March 12, 2020

My goal for term one and my favourite things

I would like some feed back on my goal and a comment on how i could achieve my goal:)   This is my All about me poster that i made to go with my aspire goal poster i hope you like it

This is my goal for 2020 i would really love to achieve my goal soon for term 1.It will be a little bit hard to achive but i can do it