
Thursday, April 16, 2020

Art work during Lock down

I really hope you enjoy and i would love some feedback (Sorry i hade to make it as a link)

The link right here


  1. Wow SS I like the Kite it is my favourite part I also really like how you used nature to make an amazing piece of art. Next time maybe you could use a blue background in the google image to make it more colourful. Miss you hope you are enjoying home learning

    1. Hey KK!! Miss you too the kite was my favourite part to.SS and KK:Stay safe :)

  2. Hi Sapphire, Mrs T here, hope all is well with you in your bubble for lockdown. I am just taking a moment to look at some blog posts. Your art blog post is amazing! I love the way you have used things that you have found outside to make your picture, really impressive. I love the way you explained what you used and you also used descriptive words, Great job! Which one did you enjoy doing better: the computer one or the one you made with things outside?

    Take care and be safe
    Mrs T

    1. Hi Mrs T i wish i could hug you right now but that aside my Favourite was the nature one Thank you for your comment.Stay safe

  3. Hi Sapphire. Mrs W here. What an amazing piece of Art work. I love the description you have given because it helps us to understand you picture better. I also love that you have also make a graphic picture too. Very clever. Which picture do you like best?

    1. Thank you Mrs W my favourite picture was the nature one.Stay safe

  4. Hi Sapphire, its Nicole what beautiful pictures you have created I really love the first one that you made with nature that one is my favourite. I wonder which one was harder? I'm new to using google images maybe you could help me by making a video to show me how to use it.
    I hope you and your family are doing well we miss you all

    1. Hey Nicole!! I hope your going well hows baby bump.The nature one was my favourite.The hardest one would have to be the google drawing

  5. Wow Sapphire - I had to come on here and have a look, as Mrs Walkinshaw told the Toroa teachers about your art at our online team meeting this morning. I love your picture - particularly the yellow flowers - are they dandelions? - that you used to make the sun - just perfect! I wonder if you could actually draw this on Google draw as well as using images?
    Glad you are getting to be creative during this time. From Mrs H :)

    1. Thank you Mrs Hefferman and yes the yellow flowers are dandelions.I could try doing google drawing.Stay safe from Sapphire


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