
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

My time during lock down πŸ˜ΌπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜„

Hey guys i wanted to show you guys what my lock down is like 😺

I learnt to ride my bike: 

Did lots of Baking:

Chalk fun:

We walked to the horses, we feed them apples:

Made huts:

Doing School work:

Putting teddy's in our window each day:

Having fun at Easter:


  1. Hi Sapphire
    How cool we are so proud of you for learning to ride your bike hopefully soon you and KK can go bike riding together. its great to see you keeping so busy during Lock down it definitely looks like you are having a great time with your whanau.
    That is a great spot for Taekwondo Bear to be sitting he looks very happy there you do too x. What type of things have you been baking during in your bubble? We have made a lot of muffins and scones.

  2. Hi Sapphire
    Good job on learning to ride your bike. I bet lockdown has gone really fast for you because you have been kept very busy. We have been doing a lot of baking too. My favourite so far has been my daughter's weetbix slice, what about you?


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