
Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Maui's Dolphins

Hey guys,
This is my Create task but instead i have turned it into a slide to switch it up a bit even tho i used to always do slide show this is about Maui,s Dolphins well that is what the book is called


  1. Hello SS(Sapphire)
    Karaitiana here (KK)
    I really liked how you added in how we could help out Maui's Dolphins.I would really like to save or help one... would you.
    Maybe next time on slide 3, you could move the dolphin down a bit more so we can see the word safe.Even though we can already see it.
    Have a nice day


  2. Hi Sapphire, you have done a great job at laying out your slides with clear titles that show which questions you are attempting to answer. My tip for next time is that when you are reading, read the text 3 times! The first time just read through the text. For the next two times have the questions you need to answer, or the information points you are seeking copy and pasted into a word document in front of you. Then when you are reading keep the questions in your mind. When you come across an answer in your reading you can type it into the word document. That word document will then give you all the information you need to complete your DLO and your blog post. Great effort, you just needed to have presented a few more bits of information from the actual readings to answer the questions. Well done. Mrs Ali :)


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