
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Exercise Routine

Hey everyone this is my at home Exercise routine 😊😀


  1. Hi Sapphire
    This is fabulous! I have loved seeing these exercise chalk drawings on my bubble walks. Did you design and draw this one yourself?

  2. Hey beautiful
    Great work keeping up your fitness, I love how you turned it into a funky video with super cool music. My favourite part are the love heart hops. Maybe next time you can add a push up station as well
    Nicole <3

  3. Hi Sapphire, It's Mr Williams! Wow your fitness routine is so cool. I like how you have lots of different movements and exercises. I also like that you've used chalk to draw your track. This must make it really easy for you to remember what you have to do at each station. You must be staying super fit. I wonder what other exercises you could add in. I like Nicole's idea of adding in a push up station. I like to do sit ups. It helps me get a strong core! What was your favourite exercise to do?

  4. Hi Sapphire,Amazing work.Your fitness routine looks very fun.When I watched this it reminded me of TKD warm up.My favourite part was the Heart Hops the looked small but were big and they looked very fun.I would love to try and do this but we ha we no concrete :( This looks very fun and I hope you are having a good time doing this everyday.
    Stay Safe

    Karaitiana (KK)


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