
Friday, December 13, 2019

Shetland ponies

Hey guys it is Friday the 13th December 2019 i made this for reading at the start of the year so i really hope you enjoy

Friday, December 6, 2019

Lord poster with facts SLJ

Hey guys

I hope you enjoy the lord poster i have made i made in smart learning journey i really hope i could get some good feedback from you guys  :)

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Fluffy pancake story

Hey guys
Today i made a story about fluffy pancake i really hope you enjoy in this

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Happier song

This is a song called happier that someone asked me to put on my blog so hope you enjoy  :)

Hurcules song

Hi guys i have made a Hercules song and i hope you enjoy any feed back well mean a lot (Is just me or do i love Hercules to much)

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Dogs at the beach

Hey guys

This is my work i made hope you enjoy this  :)

Friday, September 13, 2019

To my blogger buddy

Hey guys and Jordan
This is something i made for you
(Make sure to zoom in)

Hope you guys enjoyed this But more i hope you Jordan enjoy this😀😁

Thursday, September 12, 2019

A better life

Hey guys
Its me Sapphire again this is my reading i have been
doing this week hope you like it

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Gacha life movie part 2:SS and KK

Hey guys

Its me Sapphire and this is what i have worked on

Monday, September 9, 2019

Summer time Story

Hey readers
This is another stroy i have made just for you guys so if you have any suggestions just say

One last dance

Hey readers
This is something i have been working on and its like a random story

Olden day Information

Hey readers
Its me Sapphire and guess what i have made information about the olden days so you can learn more

Christmas Wrapper

Hey readers
This is my writing i have been working on this week and if there is any feedback or questions then i will answer

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Bears reading

Hey Readers
This is my reading i have been working on this week and if you have any suggestions then let me know in the comments

Friday, August 30, 2019

My cat Lulu!!!!

Hey guys this is my cat Lulu

I hope you like her she is fluffy awesome and most of all i love her.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Maths with SS and KK

Hey guys
Its me Sapphire i have been working on my 4xs tables with my best friend ever Karaitiana (Shout out to Karaitiana)  :)

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Gacha life movie:SS and KK

Hey readers
I have been looking forward to showing you guys this I have been working on this with Karaitiana for about 2 weeks now so i really hope you like it

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

We shoulden,t cut down screen time

Hey readers
This is my Writing i have been doing for the last 2 weeks so i hope you enjoy(By the ways this is a link)

The link

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Children should wear whatever they want at school

Hey readers
This is my writing for choice topic hope you like it

-Children should wear whatever they want at school but has to be suitable for school

These are 3 powerful reasons why we should not we school uniform at school

My first reason is Children should definitely wear whatever they want but it has to be suitable for school 

My 2nd strong reason Children should NOT be smart with their choice of clothes 

This is my final reason Children should NOT be jealous and 
then start to bully someone else's  outfit just because they are jealous

These were my 3 reasons why we should not have to wear school uniform


Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Me and Karaitiana

Here we GOO!!!!

Best friend check!!!!



Hey readers
This is something i just want to show you


Hey guys
This is my writing about if we should or should not use animals.
For diffrant jobs

The Animals

Friday, July 26, 2019


Hey readers
Its me Sapphire and i just wanted to say i do swimming listens.Its fun and cool.There is a whole bunch of steps to swimming the things you will need to do swimming is.

Step 1:A hat kinda like a shower cap
Step 2: A swimming uniform
Step 2: Swimming goggles

Image result for swimming girl

Just wanna say thank you!

Hey readers,
Today we have been learning about screencastify. There are a lot of things you need to learn before you get started in making a screencastify.
Step 1:Make sure your head is in the camera
Step 2:Make sure there is no background noise
Step 3:Lean on a wall so you dont get as much noise in it
Step 4:You need to think of what you will say when you screencastify it
This is a shout out to my 2 best friends Karaitiana and Elise for helping me and being nice to me along the way!😀😁😄

Thursday, July 25, 2019

SS and KK 4x8

Shout out to karaitiana for making this with me
This week we have been learning our 4 x tables

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Sapphire and Karaitiana 4 times tables

Hi guys,
Shout out to Karaitiana for making this with me/BFF
We learnt about some of our 4 time tables
Hope you enjoy it

Thursday, July 4, 2019

One more minute

This is my One more minute blooms reading tasks that i have made

I need a little bit of feed back on who i should use when i am doing my describe a character

A new Ending

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Friday, June 21, 2019

Unicorn facts

This what i made for Tayla so i hope you like it in the comments write down what you would want me to do for you

How trick your audience with pictures!!

 Hello readers 
This week we have been learning a lot of private and not private information.We have altered pictures becoming private in to funny cool images that you can use more safer at 
least. We have been learning a lot this term about private information and not so private information.Some people alter photos to cover something private.A lot of us learnt new things this term like NOT sharing private information on line.

-First take a image
-Get a shape or emojis and put it on what you are altering
-Once it is covered then you can post it 
-You can add fun crazy images after to make it look nice 
-Then check to make sure it looks good
-Then you can post it online

Thursday, June 20, 2019


This is somthing i have made for karaitiana so if yo want me to do it then comment below hope you like it


This is some facts about mermaids that once again i made for Elise so i hope you enjoyed it measeage in the comments if you want me to do this too for you

Wednesday, June 19, 2019


This is somthing i have been working on for somone to use and it is Elise so if you want me to make anything for you then meanseag in comments

Thursday, June 13, 2019





When you look outside of the large window you can see the bright yellow sun.You can see the Beautiful blue sea out near the beautiful sun. When you go down to the front of the plane you can see 10000,000 buttons. There's blue ones red ones orange ones all type of one's. There are screens that tell you where to go. There is a large map at the side of the plane. There is a coffee cup next to the plane driver it was made by Sapphire from Starbucks. There Is a black toy plane next to the coffee cup. There is a cupboard just on top of the plane driver's head. The seats are as brown as a fluffy brown dog. The Pilates t shirt is as white as a piece of paper. The Pilates glasses are as green as green gum. The Pilates hair is as grey as a grey laptop. The cloud is as white as snow. At the end of the day the plane shut down.
Image result for plane




Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Easter bunny.

Easter is my favourite

Animals love candy canes

Sunshine colours on the rappers

Time to eat chocolate

Easter is now over

Rainbow chocolate eggs are  

The fair

Sand castle  By Sapphire


Rendered Image

Butterflies are insects. Butterflies come in many coluors. Butterflies have wings.

Butterflies hatch from eggs. When they are young butterflies are called caterpillars.

Butterflies get their food from flowers.

The sunken treasure                               By Sapphire
Related image

Bruce and Alison jumped into the boat with eager looks. he decided that it would be fun if they looked for sunken treasure.

Bruce plunged into the warm water and discovered
the treasure. He reached for the treasure and swam up to the boat.

With the treasure loaded they started the motor. While they were zipping across the water Alison was gripping onto the treasure.

They decided  to take the treasure to the bank and have it valued. The amazing treasure included sapphires that were as blue as a flower. It was obviously worth billions.

By Sapphire

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Queen of the boerd

This is the link to the queen of the bored slide show presentation i have been working on this week for my blooms tasks so i hope you enjoyed it.


Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Thursday, May 16, 2019

                                                          My slides

Monday, May 13, 2019

Make a copy.

Tulip - a bulbous spring-flowering plant of the lily family, with boldly coloured cup-shaped flowers.
Kakera smelt the tulip and thought it was really nice.

People don't see them very often because they live in the deepest parts of the ocean.

Whale -     A whale is noun as a very large animal in sea
Curved back whales are smaller than humpback whales.

Ocean -    The ocean noun as the sea that surround the countaines of the earth
People don't see them very often because they live in the deepest parts of the ocean.

Navigate -   navigate means 1 sale in or through a river or sea etc.
Whales navigate by sound
Stranded -    Stranded means how good something is  a high standard of work.
Kakera was badly hurt when she was stranded on the reef
Reefs -           A reef is noun as a ridge or rock or sand etc.
Kakera had been badly hurt she when she was stranded on the reefs
Farewell -     Farewell means saying goodbye to something or someone
When kakera died we sang farewell to her.
Grave -        grave means a place where a corpse is buried
We covered her grave with rocks.
Creatures -    Creature noun as a person or animal
Creatures her carry it with us
Environment -       noun as people's lives
And she taught us to respect our environment

Shore -             shore is noen as a piece of wood etc.

We moved her closer to the shore

Monday, May 6, 2019

In the morning at 8:00 I woke and got out of bed and got ready for the day. My mum and
me. went to a really nice cafe inside of
a motel and we ate some really yummy food there like hot cross buns.

After that me and my mum whey to go and meet my dad at the taekwondo tournament.

My whole family is in pauls taekwondo team.
Later on it was night time and we went over
to paul's house and he showed me his lords of the rings  picture. Finally we whet home and ate some kfc. After that I got into bed and dreamed of to sleep.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

This year i have been doing my blooms task and this is my google slides about the Bahamas from reading

My google slide

I hope you enjoy my google slide

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

My first blog post

This week we have been reading about The Bahamas. and this is my summarise


What is the name of the story/article/play that you are reading? The name of the story is called Postcard from the Bahamas

Who is the author / illustrator of the story/article/play that you are reading? The author is Jenna Murthy and the illustrator is Stephen Templer

Who is the story/article/play about? The story is about bernice coming down in a ship to visit her family

What is the conflict/problem in the story/article/play?  THERE WAS NO PROBLEM

Where did the story/article/play take place at The Bahamas

How did everything get resolved?    IT DID NOT GET RESOLVED