
Friday, December 6, 2019

Lord poster with facts SLJ

Hey guys

I hope you enjoy the lord poster i have made i made in smart learning journey i really hope i could get some good feedback from you guys  :)


  1. Mōrena Sapphire!

    My name is Mikey. I'm a part of this years Summer Learning Journey team and I'll be commenting on some of your wonderful blog posts over the summer. It's so great to see that you've made a start on the teaser week activities - well done! :)

    You've included some really great facts in your profile poster here, Sapphire. I didn't realise that Lorde had two sisters. Do you have any siblings? I have four older sisters and one younger brother - a nice big family! :)

    It's awesome that you've used so many visual images too but just a reminder to attribute them. This just means that you need to mention where you got the pictures you've used from.

    Congratulations again on completing your first teaser task! Remember that the programme officially begins on Monday (December 16th), so be sure to check out the Week 1 activities then. In the meantime, keep going with the teaser week activities - I can't wait to read more! :)

    Mā te wā,

    Mikey :)

    1. Thank very much for the comment and yes i have one sibling a brother

    2. Good morning Sapphire,

      You are more than welcome. :)

      Oh! Is he older or younger than you? Do you go to the same school?

      Blog ya later!

      Mikey :)


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