
Tuesday, August 13, 2019

We shoulden,t cut down screen time

Hey readers
This is my Writing i have been doing for the last 2 weeks so i hope you enjoy(By the ways this is a link)

The link


  1. Hey Saph,
    Its me KK.
    I really enjoyed reading your piece
    of writing.
    When did you finish this piece of writing???
    Maybe next time you could add more writing.(Maybe)
    I remember when i finished my piece of writing and actually it was the same reason c-c.
    From KK
    Karaitiana is Signing out.

  2. Hi SS its me EE i really like the characters that you and KK chose i think there really pretty i have a question how long did it take to make this? by EE

    1. Hey Elise its me Sapphire thanks for what you said it made me really happy all of a sudden.And how long it took as to make this is about 2 weeks because we ha to rush


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