
Monday, May 13, 2019

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Tulip - a bulbous spring-flowering plant of the lily family, with boldly coloured cup-shaped flowers.
Kakera smelt the tulip and thought it was really nice.

People don't see them very often because they live in the deepest parts of the ocean.

Whale -     A whale is noun as a very large animal in sea
Curved back whales are smaller than humpback whales.

Ocean -    The ocean noun as the sea that surround the countaines of the earth
People don't see them very often because they live in the deepest parts of the ocean.

Navigate -   navigate means 1 sale in or through a river or sea etc.
Whales navigate by sound
Stranded -    Stranded means how good something is  a high standard of work.
Kakera was badly hurt when she was stranded on the reef
Reefs -           A reef is noun as a ridge or rock or sand etc.
Kakera had been badly hurt she when she was stranded on the reefs
Farewell -     Farewell means saying goodbye to something or someone
When kakera died we sang farewell to her.
Grave -        grave means a place where a corpse is buried
We covered her grave with rocks.
Creatures -    Creature noun as a person or animal
Creatures her carry it with us
Environment -       noun as people's lives
And she taught us to respect our environment

Shore -             shore is noen as a piece of wood etc.

We moved her closer to the shore


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