
Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Thursday, May 16, 2019

                                                          My slides

Monday, May 13, 2019

Make a copy.

Tulip - a bulbous spring-flowering plant of the lily family, with boldly coloured cup-shaped flowers.
Kakera smelt the tulip and thought it was really nice.

People don't see them very often because they live in the deepest parts of the ocean.

Whale -     A whale is noun as a very large animal in sea
Curved back whales are smaller than humpback whales.

Ocean -    The ocean noun as the sea that surround the countaines of the earth
People don't see them very often because they live in the deepest parts of the ocean.

Navigate -   navigate means 1 sale in or through a river or sea etc.
Whales navigate by sound
Stranded -    Stranded means how good something is  a high standard of work.
Kakera was badly hurt when she was stranded on the reef
Reefs -           A reef is noun as a ridge or rock or sand etc.
Kakera had been badly hurt she when she was stranded on the reefs
Farewell -     Farewell means saying goodbye to something or someone
When kakera died we sang farewell to her.
Grave -        grave means a place where a corpse is buried
We covered her grave with rocks.
Creatures -    Creature noun as a person or animal
Creatures her carry it with us
Environment -       noun as people's lives
And she taught us to respect our environment

Shore -             shore is noen as a piece of wood etc.

We moved her closer to the shore

Monday, May 6, 2019

In the morning at 8:00 I woke and got out of bed and got ready for the day. My mum and
me. went to a really nice cafe inside of
a motel and we ate some really yummy food there like hot cross buns.

After that me and my mum whey to go and meet my dad at the taekwondo tournament.

My whole family is in pauls taekwondo team.
Later on it was night time and we went over
to paul's house and he showed me his lords of the rings  picture. Finally we whet home and ate some kfc. After that I got into bed and dreamed of to sleep.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

This year i have been doing my blooms task and this is my google slides about the Bahamas from reading

My google slide

I hope you enjoy my google slide

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

My first blog post

This week we have been reading about The Bahamas. and this is my summarise


What is the name of the story/article/play that you are reading? The name of the story is called Postcard from the Bahamas

Who is the author / illustrator of the story/article/play that you are reading? The author is Jenna Murthy and the illustrator is Stephen Templer

Who is the story/article/play about? The story is about bernice coming down in a ship to visit her family

What is the conflict/problem in the story/article/play?  THERE WAS NO PROBLEM

Where did the story/article/play take place at The Bahamas

How did everything get resolved?    IT DID NOT GET RESOLVED