
Tuesday, December 15, 2020

SLJ:Fishing false Teeth

 Hello readers,

Today we had another SLJ Task where we had to watch a video and think about what the characters would say without them saying anything.We basically we had to take our own words that would fit the Fishing friends and put it into a comic.The comic was about A Dude and his teeth fell out and it went into the water but then his mate started making fun of him.But then his mate Lets call him Bob Catched a huge fish and got his teeth out and put into the fish's mouth (these men are very old by the ways) Bob then showed his friend that lost his teeth but his friend ummm.... Pulled the teeth out of the fish's mouth and out it into his mouth he thought it was his Teeth but it wasent.

I really hope you enjoyed this and i would love some feedback Bye!!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Summer learning journey:Coloring Task

 Hello readers,

Today we started our first summer learning journey task. We had to pick a image from a colouring book site and colour it. We could colour it any way we want I picked a nice waved image with a ship in it once we were done colouring the image we could put it on a google drawing template and publish it on our blogs. I really hope you guys like it and I would love some feedback!! 

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Koala Create tasks!!

 Hey guys,

This is 2 of my Koala create tasks from this week we had to choose between 4 create task I picked a Quiz and a Word Search. 1 of the create tasks is about making your own Quiz about Koalas I put it into a google Form. The 2nd create task is about a Word search where you have to find all the words .I would really love lots of feedback and what i could do next time. :D

WALT: to make connections to self, other texts and the world

Tell me how many questions you got wrong and right for the quiz!!

Friday, November 6, 2020

My writing for this week!! :D

 Hello readers,

This weeks writing we had a choice between doing a pobble writing which is describing a picture or you could do free writing I choosed free writing I wrote about My friend and me looking for play props but we somehow get stuck in this forest place and we meet a red fox there. I wont give away too much of the story because its for you to find out. I would really like some feedback and what i could do next time.

This weeks reading !!

 Hey guys,
This is 2 of my Wolves create tasks from this week we had to make a quiz and do a Venn diagram. 1 of the create tasks is about making your own Quiz about wolves I put it into a google slideshow. The 2nd create task is about a Venn diagram where you compare to animals together .I would really love lots of feedback and what i could do next time. :D

Tell me how many questions you got wrong and right for the quiz!!

Friday, October 16, 2020

Frog Reading

 Hey guys,

This is 2 of my frog create tasks from this week we could pick between many different animals but i picked frogs because i did not know much about frogs. 1 of the create tasks is about making your own enclosure for frogs if they have no where to go the 2nd create task is about the 3 most important things  about a frog.I would really love lots of feedback and what i could do next time. :D

Monday, October 12, 2020

Learning about the Media

 Hey guys,

This is about knowing what media means so i have put some things that all add up to the media theres Podcast, Books, Video games, Billboard, Newspaper and the Radio theres still so much more things that add up to the media but you can discover those things yourself i have made this during Cybersmart

WALT:We are learning different things about media